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Gift of Wellness Herbal Tea Hamper

Original price was: ₹2,399.00.Current price is: ₹1,799.00.

Tea Bags are available in standard boxes with 18 tea bags each

Product Benefits

Ayurvedic Herbal Tea Bags For Healthy Hair/ Preventing Hair Loss

  • Makes hair long, silky and strong
  • Helps to remove toxins and Kapha doshas
  • Is a natural appetizer and helps in digestion
  • Improves stamina and energy level of the body
  • Treats worm infestations, skin problems and tooth infections

Ayurvedic Herbal Tea Bags For Healthy Heart & Lungs (Smokers And Non-Smokers)

  • Rejuvenating properties for healthy heart and lungs
  • Promotes normal breathing and stimulates brain
  • Supports respiratory system and reduces breathing discomfort
  • Good for asthma, chronic cough, sinusitis and cold
  • Antifungal and cures pain, swelling

Ayurvedic Herbal Tea Bags For Healthy Sugar Levels

  • Reduces blood sugar levels and curbs sugar cravings
  • Prevents and controls Diabetes
  • Promotes Weight loss
  • Has Antioxidant Effects and makes body healthy
  • Improves Heart Health
  • Safeguards Liver Health

Ayurvedic Herbal Tea Bags For Rejuvenation

  • Natural Immunity Booster
  • Promotes a healthy nervous system
  • Cures Nindranasha (sleeplessness)
  • Reduces anxiety/stress levels
  • Boosts human reproductive system
  • Supports Healthy muscles, joints and back
  • Improves body energy and stamina
  • Promotes good thyroid health

Ayurvedic Herbal Tea Bags For Weight Loss

  • Helps in reducing extra weight
  • Improves appetite and maintains healthy digestion
  • Is a blood purifier and reduces toxins from the body
  • Wonder herbal tea for curing UTI
  • Maintains healthy urinary tract and prevents formation of stones
  • Efficient kidney function


Ayurvedic Herbal Tea Bags For Healthy Hair/ Preventing Hair Loss
  • Bhringraj
  • Shankpushpi
  • Motha
Ayurvedic Herbal Tea Bags For Healthy Heart & Lungs (Smokers And Non-Smokers)
  • Pushkarmul
  • Shankpushpi
  • Arjun
  • Ashwagandha
  • Punarnawa
Ayurvedic Herbal Tea Bags For Healthy Sugar Levels
  • Gurmar
  • Turmeric
  • Motha
Ayurvedic Herbal Tea Bags For Rejuvenation
  • Ashwagandha
  • Moringa
  • Shankpushpi
  • Motha
Ayurvedic Herbal Tea Bags For Weight Loss
  • Varun
  • Gurmar
  • Haritaki
  • Senna leaf
    Senna leaf
  • Motha

Benefits of Ingredient Herbs

Ayurvedic Herbal Tea Bags For Healthy Hair/ Preventing Hair Loss

Bhringaraj has bioactive ingredients which balance the Pitta, Kapha and Vata doshas in the body. These doshas affect the hair follicles by blocking, uprooting them and prevents growth of new hair. The herb helps the liver, improves blood circulation, tones skin and provides cooling and revitalizing effects on the mind ( by reducing stress and calming the mind) and nervous system. By removing excess pitta from the body as a whole, detoxification of the body and nourishing of the scalp and roots with essential nutrients such as iron, magnesium, calcium etc, it promotes active hair growth phase(anagen) from within, increases follicle size, prevents hair loss, brings shine and lustre and delays greying of hair. Its anti-inflammatory and antifungal property also reduces dry scalps, dandruff and scalp infections.

The herb is named after its shankh or conch-shaped flowers and is also known by other names such as Shankhavali, Aparajit, Kakkurattai etc. It has antioxidants which neutralise free radicals and helps prevent or delay damage to cells which maintain proper body metabolism.
Shankpushpi helps to improve blood circulation and manage digestion, reduces stress and anxiety due to its calming effect on the mind. Due to its Rasayana (rejuvenating) property, it prevents premature greying, controls hair fall and also promotes hair growth. It is a natural conditioner that nourishes hair follicles, makes them soft, shiny, healthy and reduces damage.

The herb has Pitta-Kapha balancing property due to its antifungal and antibacterial nature which helps to control dandruff and removes excessive dryness. Its anti-microbial property helps in collagen formation which improves blood circulation and unclogs the hair follicles, moisturises the scalp, prevents various hair infections and stimulates hair growth. Extremely beneficial in reducing stress, it prevents balding, split ends, premature greying and hair fall, making hair strong and healthy.

Ayurvedic Herbal Tea Bags For Healthy Heart & Lungs (Smokers And Non-Smokers)

It has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, analgesic, antiseptic, cardioprotective, and is the best herb for healthy heart and lungs.

It pacifies kapha doshas with its antihistamine and anti-anginal property. It improves cardiac circulation by clearing arteries, purifying the blood, maintaining healthy blood pressure and alleviating tissue metabolism. It lowers excess blood pressure and bad cholesterol naturally.

It acts as a rejuvenating tonic, by curing respiratory tract infections, nourishing the lung tissue and protecting lung health. It works in Shwasa roga by clearing the airways and relieving cough and congestion and promoting normal breathing.

Shankpushpi has anti-oxidative property and helps to balance kapha-vata-pitta doshas. The active components helps to tighten the cardiovascular muscles and prevents lipid build up in the blood vessels, thereby reducing hypertension or high blood pressure. Its bioactive elements reduce non-esterified fatty acids and reduces bad cholesterol in the blood, risk of heart attacks, heart blocks, blood clots etc. It is also useful in clearing air channels and respiratory complications like cough, bronchitis asthma and infections due to smoke, smog etc.

A powerful herb with cardioprotective and cardio-strengthening properties and reduces heart related health conditions like angina. An increase in the Kapha dosh produces toxic remains(free radicals) in the body due to improper digestion (Ama) and exposure to external factors like the sun, tobacco smoke, and environmental pollution.

These free radicals accumulate in the heart channels and cause a blockage leading to an aggravated Vata leading to pain in the chest area.

Arjuna has Kapha balancing property with its antioxidant property and ability to reduce the free radicals due to oxidative stress. It helps to reduce Ama, removes the blockage of heart channels and calms the aggravated Vata. Arjuna helps to control heart disease and improve heart function properly by strengthening and toning the circulatory system, rejuvenating the soft tissues, improving blood circulation, and strengthening the heart and cardiac muscles. It reduces low-density lipoprotein (bad cholesterol) and triglycerides, also helps to regulate the proper flow of blood in the arteries and veins and maintains normal blood pressure and heart rate.

Incomplete elimination of waste and poor diet causes excess Kapha and pitta leading to the accumulation of mucous in the lungs. Arjuna herb is useful against Kasroga and helps to manage lung problems like infection, cough, asthma and bronchitis and promotes clear and calm breathing.

Mental stress has a negative impact on the cardiovascular and circulatory systems and affects the body’s antioxidant defence system. Ashwagandha has powerful rejuvenating traits and helps to improve mental and physical health. It strengthens the heart muscles, prevents lipid buildup in the blood vessels, and reduces the risk of heart attacks, heart blocks, blood clots, etc. It also plays a key role in lowering the levels of cholesterol in the blood. Ashwagandha also improves heart and lung capacity and increases energy levels. It reduces breathing issues and cough formation due to smoke, pollution, infection etc. The herb eases the production of thick sputum in the chest and nasal cavities and aids in their natural elimination.

Heart disease is also greatly influenced by elements like high blood pressure, high triglycerides, high blood sugar, and insulin resistance. Punarnawa is a nourishing herb and with its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory property, helps to reduce edema (caused by accumulation of excess fluid in the body tissues) in the circulatory system which reduces the risk of congestive heart failure. It relaxes the cardiac system, by calming the mind, strengthening the heart muscles, lowering cholesterol levels in the blood and preventing lipid build-up, thereby reducing heart attacks, heart blocks, blood clots, etc.

Punarnava with its heating quality is beneficial in clearing the airways by melting excess kapha in the lungs and respiratory tract and also cures chronic diseases like asthma. The chloroform from leaves can reduce blood glucose levels while the roots of the plant stimulate the white blood cells and increase stress tolerance.

Ayurvedic Herbal Tea Bags For Healthy Sugar Levels

This amazing herb also known as Madhunashini in Sanskrit, helps in maintaining healthy sugar levels in a human body.

Diabetes is a common disorder caused by the body’s inability to utilize or produce insulin properly. Gurmar promotes insulin response to food and lessens the need for insulin therapy and oral hypoglycaemic drugs. It also lowers the amount of sugar that gets absorbed in the body and helps improve blood sugar levels in people with diabetes or prediabetes. The leaves of gurmar are imbued with gymnemic acids, a potent bioactive compound that acts to suppress the taste of sugar by interacting with taste receptors on the tongue.

Turmeric is a golden-orange spice which is well known for adding color, flavor and nutrition to foods. Its major active ingredient is curcumin which is derived from the root of the plant. The plant has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory property and is also commonly used in sugar patients. It improves the metabolism of cells and organs such as the pancreas and liver, and controls the release of all the unwanted sugars in your body. Turmeric is effective in reducing glycemia and hyperlipidemia by increasing insulin sensitivity in the body. It helps to stabilise blood sugar levels with regular consumption. Apart from reducing fasting blood sugar it can also help lower HbA1C ( a three month blood sugar average).

It regulates both Pitta and Vata and strengthens digestion, eliminates natural toxins, and supports proper function of the liver. Motha’s hypoglycaemic property helps to pacify blood sugar levels by activating the production of insulin from the β-pancreatic cells. The breakdown of starch into glucose is controlled and it helps to attenuate the breakdown of starch into glucose thereby lowering the blood glucose levels.

Ayurvedic Herbal Tea Bags For Rejuvenation

Ashwagandha is a Sattvic Rasayna herb which enhances body immunity and strength to fight body infections and diseases. It improves the number of white blood cells(cells which fight against bacteria). The herb is full of antioxidants that are necessary to neutralise the free radicals( a by-product of normal metabolism due to exposure to pollutants and bacteria) which damage the healthy cells of the body. Apart from this, it also promotes a healthy reproductive balance and is used to tone, support, strengthen, and revitalize body functions.

Moringa herb has a wide range of nutritional bioactive compounds, including essential carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins and minerals. The herb has antioxidants, and antimicrobial and antibacterial property which reduces oxidative stress and fights the harmful effects of free radicals by protecting the cells from damage. Its nutrients support the vitality, immunity of the body and overall well-being. It prevents the formation of fine lines, wrinkles, premature ageing, cell destruction etc. Moringa also contains B vitamins which help to sustain long-term energy and supports healthy metabolic processes.

Also known as Shyamaktanta, the herb is utilised as a Medhya rasayna (mind rejuvenator) to improve the memory capacity, focus, concentration, calmness, alertness and decision-making of an individual. It has antioxidant and flavonoid properties which rejuvenate the body by reducing mental fatigue, stress and improves cognitive skills and prevents loss of memory. It also prevents allergic conditions, removes harmful free radicals from the body and treats various signs of ageing like wrinkles, fine lines, dark spots, etc.

In Sanskrit it is called Musta, Jalada, Ambhoda, Ghana or Mustak and its roots have medicinal values. It has properties such as Pachana (helps in digestion), Kupachan (prevents bloating, indigestion), Amahara (treats indigestion), Vayasthapana (prevents ageing), treats skin disorders, Raktadoshahara (blood purifier) and Varnya (improves complexion). It improves complexion by improving skin tone, clearing blocked pores, and also reducing various signs of ageing. The anti-bacterial properties of the herb also help in treating skin infections while its anti-microbial property improves blood circulation in the hair follicles thereby assisting in collagen formation and preventing various hair infections.

Ayurvedic Herbal Tea Bags For Weight Loss

This herb helps in treating various metabolic disorders, rejuvenates the liver and restores proper bilirubin levels in the body.

A weak human digestive system can result in the formation and accumulation of toxins in the body. Incomplete digestion of food can also lead to insufficient secretion of gastric juice in the stomach. Due to its laxative property, Varun helps to loosen stools and promotes healthy bowel movements. The herb stimulates digestion, manages constipation and helps maintain proper appetite.

A healthy metabolism promotes efficient digestion of food and also aids in weight loss. The herb is good for fat, obese persons as it removes extra fat from the body.

Varun is also a good blood purifier that maintains homeostasis and helps with urinary problems including stones in the kidney, ureters and bladder. It is also useful in gout due to its anti-inflammatory property as it reduces joint pain and inflammation.

Also known as Gudmar, the herb has anti-obesity property. It works effectively to shed surplus weight by burning excess fat from the body. Gurmarin, the active component of Gurmar, prevents glucose absorption and maintains proper lipid levels in a human body. Ushna and Tikta property helps to manage cholesterol, improve digestive fire and reduce Ama(toxins). It also helps to alter the taste buds and thereby reduce sugar cravings. It supports ketogenic diet for fat loss by making the transition to low-carb intake easier and reduces the adverse effects of eating too many carbs, especially from sugar. A consistent calorie deficit can result in weight loss. It also helps reduce appetite which further helps in losing weight. The herb reduces body weight without stimulating the central nervous system which means that it doesn’t increase stress, alter cortisol levels, or disrupt sleep.

Lack of exercise, excessive sleeping, improper eating habits, all contribute to weight increase in humans.

The miraculous herb balances all the three doshas mainly Vata (air), Pitta (digestion) and Kapha (earth and water). It detoxifies the body by increased secretion of digestive juices, increased breakdown of food, increasing nutrient absorption, cleansing of the colon and promoting a healthy intestine. This reduces sudden hunger spasms and unhealthy diet cravings . The herb also improves lever functioning, reduces bad cholesterol in the body, and removes toxins thereby improving the digestive system(metabolism) immensely and helping to shed belly fat and weight faster. It not only removes fat deposits but also boosts immunity, promotes longevity giving you a well-toned and slim body. The herb has dietary fibres which has a mild laxative effect and helps fight constipation.

Senna Leaf
Poor lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits contribute to weak digestive fire that increases Ama and causes constipation. This leads to an imbalance in meda dhatu (fatty tissues) in the system, which results in obesity. Senna leaves help support healthy body composition and removes toxins(ama) from the body. This creates a better mechanism for nutrient absorption and efficient metabolism which stimulates weight loss. It also promotes healthy bowel movements, eliminates constipation and helps with other gastrointestinal disorders. This further promotes weight reduction.

In Ayurveda, obesity or unwanted fat accumulation and digestive disorders is due to an excess Ama(toxins) in the body, sedentary lifestyle, oily, heavy food, excessive calorie consumption and lack of physical exercise. Motha has Deepan (appetizer) and Pachan (digestive) properties. It has abundance of flavonoids which helps to reduce Ama by improving digestion, proper absorption of food, treating low digestive fire, and by reducing excess fat in the body. Owing to the presence of fibre and anti-obesity action, when taken regularly, it helps control sudden hunger pangs and prevents overeating, This also can play a pivotal role in one’s weight loss regimen.

The herb also reduces the accumulation of LDL (i.e. Low-Density Lipoproteins or bad cholesterol) in the body, which clogs up arteries and veins and can cause hear diseases.

Low LDL levels in a body promote proper metabolism and help the body to maintain a proper weight. The herb is also useful with worm infestation in the stomach.

Additional information

A rich source of essential vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin E, Vitamin D, magnesium, calcium, iron and antioxidants which are essential for healthy hair. It will provide nourishment to the hair by stimulating the scalp cells and improving blood flow to hair, promotes hair growth, prevents thinning/breakage of hair/hair loss, dryness/dandruff, slows/prevents graying process. Also will help to calm your mind and lessen stress which can result in hair loss.

  • Best Fit For – All age groups except infants, toddlers.
  • Not recommended for expecting mothers. It’s important to first consult with your health care practitioner before you incorporate herbal tea into your daily routine.
  • Caffeine Free
  • To be Served Hot

Brewing Instructions

  • Take 200ml of hot boiled water in a cup
  • Add 1 tea bag in the cup
  • Let it soak for 3-5 mins
  • Add Sweetener (only if required) as per taste. Best if consumed without sugar.
  • Savour the taste and benefits

Product specifications

  • 100% Organic herbs
  • Vegan product
  • Pure product without any adulteration
  • No chemical treatment/added preservatives
  • Manufactured and packaged with proper hygiene
  • Packed in Cotton Muslin tea bags for freshness and environmental sustainability.


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